Enduring Craftsmanship:Olanglab is the pillar of trust in acoustic solutions.

  • Reliable:consistently trustworthy and quality-focused
  • Detail-oriented:diligently refining the product experience to perfection
  • Adaptable:flexibly navigating changing environments and confidently tackling challenges
  • Insightful:deeply perceptive in life, seamlessly integrating discoveries into product innovation
  • Humane:we extend our care to every business partner, from employees to workers and beyond

What Is Sound Absorption Coefficient?

Sound absorption coefficient is like a superhero for tackling unwanted noise. This coefficient tells us how much sound a material can soak up, making your space quieter and more comfortable. The higher the coefficient, the better it is at hushing up those annoying sounds.

What Does Sound Absorption Class A Mean?

Imagine the sound absorption class as a report card for how well a material can handle noise. It helps us know if a material is a noise ninja (Class A) or maybe just a noise buddy (Class C). Our acoustic panels have aced the sound absorption class, proudly rocking that Class A rating.

How OlaTimber Acoustic Panels Shine?

Our OlaTimber Acoustic Panels are rockstars at soaking up those low-frequency sounds. Low-frequency sounds are notorious for being a bit tricky, but our Olatimber acoustic panels are up for the challenge. Some scenarios where they shine: home theaters, gaming rooms, recording studios, and entertainment spaces.

Sound Absorption Coefficient

What Is Sound Absorption Coefficient?

Sound absorption coefficient is like a superhero for tackling unwanted noise. This coefficient tells us how much sound a material can soak up, making your space quieter and more comfortable. The higher the coefficient, the better it is at hushing up those annoying sounds.

Sound Absorption Class A

What Does Sound Absorption Class A Mean?

Imagine the sound absorption class as a report card for how well a material can handle noise. It helps us know if a material is a noise ninja (Class A) or maybe just a noise buddy (Class C). Our acoustic panels have aced the sound absorption class, proudly rocking that Class A rating.

OlaTimber's Performance

How OlaTimber Acoustic Panels Shine?

Our OlaTimber Acoustic Panels are rockstars at soaking up those low-frequency sounds. Low-frequency sounds are notorious for being a bit tricky, but our Olatimber acoustic panels are up for the challenge. Some scenarios where they shine: home theaters, gaming rooms, recording studios, and entertainment spaces.

Sustainability at Core

Click on the materials to interact

Safe and Sustainable

Medium Density Fiberboard

Cherishing the intrinsic value of each wood piece, our technology transforms discarded wood into sleek, modern designs, breathing new life into every fiber.

Precision Meets Practicality


Meticulously crafted for detail, our slats promise a smooth installation without compromising aesthetics—easy on your hands, tough on noise.

Caring and Recyclable

PET Felt

Crafted from recycled polyester fibers, eco-conscious and recyclable, our PET Felt reduces your carbon footprint. Safer for workers, it eliminates the risk of tiny glass fiber particles, prioritizing respiratory health.

Feature Series


    OlaTimber Acoustic Panel


    OlaWood Acoustic Slat


    OlaFabric Acoustic Panel


    Olart Acoustic Pane